Auto Smash 3D is a game that jumps out at you from the get go with the obvious attempt at sex appeal with a beautiful young woman with large breasts. If only the game itself could be that good. Being a flash game, I didn’t expect much from the title, but the presentation seemed fairly nice and got me excited to play it. Then I…played it.
Starting with the things that the game does right, the graphics for Auto Smash 3D are wonderful, especially for a game of its caliber. I was downright shocked. The presentation, at least aesthetically (not graphically), works. It’s not too over complicated and clearly tells you how to play the game. I would have preferred words instead of symbols to make it clearer, because not everyone is a veteran gamer and would know what to do, but overall it was smooth and that is a very fixable problem. It explains the controls very well in a visual manner and there were no qualms there.
Then we get to the actual game. The controls were just difficult. At times they were non responsive. I attempted to use spacebar to hit a car and was run over anyways, with no action from my character. This wasn’t a product of the game being hard as it was just poorly designed. It was very difficult to navigate my character around and aim correctly using the arrow keys and spacebar key. Once I did down a few cars, it was very difficult to pick up my winnings and cars would go at me left and right. Perhaps once you earn winnings, you accumulate it automatically? And then at the end of each level it seemed like I could purchase items, but I had no idea what for. A game like this needs to go to the basics and realize what makes a game great, rather than rely on sex appeal and cars to be a success.
There is potential in this game to be good, but the lackluster gameplay and the sex appeal masks its inherent flaws. It seems like a cash in due to the recent success of iPhone and tablet games, but it just doesn’t work. With a few tweaks here and there, it could be playable, but at this point, it’s not a game that is worth taking your time to play, let alone buy.