Brave Owl is a game designed for mobile use and does not require the use of flash. The game can also be played on tablets and computers. In the game, you guide the brave little owl through spaces in the walls to earn points. You control the owl by clicking on the screen to make it go up and letting go to allow the owl to drop back down.
If you need the owl to go up quickly, you need to quickly click on the screen two or three times. If you just click and hold your finger or a pen on the screen, it will only make the owl go up a little bit and then start to drop back down. Also, if you click too much, the owl will go up too quickly.
After you pass through a wall, the game starts to get even harder. You will lose the game if the brave owl hits the wall or the ground and you will need to start the game from the beginning. Even when you think you have made it through the space in the walls, you may still end up touching it before the owl gets all the way through. There are three buttons after each wall that will allow you to collect extra points. You do not need to hit them, but they will allow you to accumulate more points quicker. There are blue buttons that give you one extra point and the red ones give you three extra points.
Even though Brave Owl seems really easy, it is hard to control the owl which makes it a difficult but fun game to play. It takes a while before you learn how to accurately control the owl, but it becomes really entertaining once you get the hang of it.